
 We try to have online restocks once a month, but will always post on social media when we have a date.

 Restocks take place on our website

• A preview of the items will be available the day before our restock, we will post to our story when it’s ready

 Items can sell out in minutes, so make sure you are logged in and ready beforehand.

 For safety reasons, your credit card info is not saved on the website.

 Our website is down 30 minutes before restock time to prepare.

 There is no password to get into the site, it will open up at the specified time.

 We accept Apple Pay, Google Pay & major credit cards.Items added to your cart are not held for you, you must pay and receive confirmation to guarantee purchase.

 If you're trying to purchase multiple items, we recommend going for your first choice, and then buying another in a separate order.